Em minha sala de aula (English Center) tenho um quadro lindissimo de Tongue Twisters( da SBS) que alguns alunos realmente curte brincar/praticar.
'Let's have Fun today and enjoy some Tongue Twisters'???
Here are some of many that we have in the English language.
DESAFIO: Que tal vc inventar o seu próprio tongue twister??? Garanto que vai ser muiiiiito legal!!! Se quiser ja sabe...me envie por e-mail,ok.
1) - She Sells
Sea Shells
by the sea
2)- Perplexed people
peeked at Peter Pan
peeping past the pipe
with a picked pepper
3) -I saw Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.
Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits.
4) - How can a clam cram in a clean cream can?
5) - Denise sees the fleece
Denise sees the fleas
At least Denise could sneeze
and feed and freeze the fleas.
6)- Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?
7) - World Wide Web.
* I hope you have enjoyed it!!!
See you!!!