
terça-feira, 3 de julho de 2012

I am too busy...!!!

I am soooooooo busy, and you???

BUSY= ocupado/atarefado/sem tempo...

Mas no inglês como sempre,uma pequenina palavra tem vários sentidos;

So let's work...

" John was so BUSY, that he didn't have time for a chat".
" I couldn't talk to my mother this morning, because her line was BUSY".
" Let's do some BUSINESS with the chinese".
" I am BUSY as a bee"/ " I am BUSY as a beaver".
" The dog did his BUSINESS on the floor".
" Mind your own BUSINESS"!
" My father is a BUSINESSMAN".

"If you want to get something done, give it to a BUSY person".

So...Let's work, vamos descobrir os sentidos das frases acima???

Aguardo suas respostas.

Thank you,

Teacher Patricia.

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