
segunda-feira, 6 de maio de 2013

Promoção dia das Mães: Inglês x Beleza!!!

Hello Mothers!!!!(Olá mamães!!!)

Do you want to speak English and stay beautiful???( Quer falar inglês e ficar linda???)

So let's work....( Então, mãos à obra...)


* Deem uma estudadinha no post da data, 08/04/13( Dicas de Inglê Salão de Beleza) e resolva as questões.

Good Luck and Happy Mother's Day!!!


a) I would like to dye my hair.
b) Please, I want to cut just a little bit.
c) I would like to paint my hair, red.
d) Do you have manicure service?
e) I would like to paint my nails ,yellow.
f) Do you charge to wash the hair?
g) I would like to have a makeup.
h) I would like to do some perms.

Super Simple!!!

See you,
Teacher Patrícia.

*P.S- Enviar as respostas para o meu e-mail,

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